

Hannah Van Ross honoured in Accountancy Age 35 under 35


Hannah Van Ross honoured in Accountancy Age 35 under 35

This page was last updated on June 20, 2024
In their annual celebration of the accountancy profession’s rising stars, Accountancy Age has announced that Shipleys' Principal, Hannah Van Ross, is one of its winners.

The Accountancy Age 35 under 35 rankings celebrate those who have made outstanding professional contributions to the accountancy field and their individual firms.

Hannah Van Ross, Principal, Shipleys LLP

Hannah was recognised for her industry sector expertise and work championing payment service and e-money institutions (PSRs/EMIs), venture capital funds, and technology and SaaS companies. She was also praised for supporting colleagues’ development and career progression.

Commenting on the announcement, Hannah said.

“I am delighted to be one of the award winners. Accountancy Age’s 35 under 35 celebrates such a range of talented individuals. It’s wonderful to have been included among those helping the profession navigate an exciting course in an ever-evolving landscape. I am very grateful for this honour and to have been recognised for my work.”

Shipleys LLP’s Managing Principal, Steve Foster, added.

“This is a great achievement for Hannah and rightly deserved. We are thrilled for her and very proud that Accountancy Age has recognised one of our colleagues in their awards.”

More information about the 2024 ranking can be found at Accountancy Age’s 35 under 35

Copyright © Shipleys LLP 2024

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Hannah Van Ross honoured in Accountancy Age 35 under 35

In their annual celebration of the accountancy profession’s rising stars, Accountancy Age has announced that Shipleys' Principal, Hannah Van Ross, is one of its winners.