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Privacy notice for trust and estate beneficiaries

Shipleys LLP and its wholly owned subsidiaries Orange Street Trustees Limited and Shipleys Trustees Limited (“we”), act for, or are trustees of, trusts and act for, or are appointed as, the executors of estates and as such are data controllers. We are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal information about the settlor, testator, protector, other power holders, and beneficiaries (the ‘trust/estate persons’) of such trusts and estates (the ‘information’).

This Privacy Notice for trust and estate beneficiaries should be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy and is intended to supplement this and any other applicable privacy notices, policies or statements that we may issue from time to time.

We will comply with data protection law and principles, which means that your data will be:

In connection with the administration of a trust or estate, we will collect, store, and use the following categories of personal information about you:

We may, if reasonably necessary in order to carry out our duties from time to time (for example, to obtain information about clients’ identities as required by legislation) collect information from ID verification software.

We may use personal information about trust/estate persons to:

We may use personal information about trust/estate persons for the above purposes where one or more of the following applies:

Where we have a legal basis for doing so we may also sometimes collect, store and use ‘special category’ or sensitive personal information about a trust/estate person to enable us to advise our clients or exercise our trustee/executor powers and duties.

We will retain personal information of trust/estate persons for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it is collected.

For more information please refer to our Privacy Notice for more details regarding our data retention policies.

This notice was updated 7 July 2020

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